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 SeaTools Diagnostic Suite is Seagate's exclusive disc drive diagnostic software designed to troubleshoot most Seagate hard drive issues.

Find the right SeaTools application for your environment:
SeaTools Online SeaTools Desktop SeaTools Enterprise
A browser based application that will check ATA, SATA, and SCSI hard drives without having to turn off the system.
Desktop edition works with most ATA, SATA, or SCSI drives in desktop systems and has a 98% accuracy rate. Our most popular version.
Ideal for SCSI or Fibre Channel drives in servers and workstations. Tests multiple drives simultaneously and sequentially. This version does not test ATA or SATA.
Features: Fast, easy, thorough and completely data safe. No long downloads and works with Windows XP, 2000, Me, 98, 95.
Features: Text and
graphics are easy to read and follow. The software is available in English, Deutsch, Espa±ol, and Franτais.
Features: Eliminates downtime in your Linux and Windows server environments.
Access: Runs via your
browser (IE and Netscape). Runs in Windows
Access: Download
this file to your hard drive then execute to create a bootable diskette or ISO CD-ROM image.
Access: Download the Windows version, Linux Command Line version, or Linux Graphical version.
Compatible with NTFS,
FAT32 and FAT16 partitions for Windows XP/2000/NT/Me/98/95.
Intel-compatible system with at least 8MB of RAM, a floppy or CD-ROM drive and VGA graphics or better.
OS independent
Compatible with Linux and Windows XP/2000/NT/Me/98/95.
Downloads only the modules you need.
Download size: Up to 4 MB (depending on version)
Download size:
Windows: 2.8 MB
Linux Command Line: 230 KB
Linux Graphical: 656 KB

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Linux Command Line
Linux Graphical

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